Nude photos for calling credit

Belt or online vouchers for retail sites in exchange for nude photos.

The Italian newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno reports on this striking trend. Thus, the 18-year-old Silvia (fictional name) does her story. Since her fifteenth, she already earns a nice pocket. According to her, it's the way among her peers to earn money.

A journalist of the newspaper took the test on the sum and performed the same day as the 16-year-old girl Fabiola on various chat apps. Within 24 hours she received fifty requests, most of them grown up.

They want to see naked pictures of her and ask her to strip in a video chat. In addition, many men send pictures of their genus.

These men tell Fabiola that they operate so often. A random man of 34: 'It's enough if you pick up your T-shirt and pull your panties down. '

If Fabiola tells her that her 14-year-old sister might want to join, the man says he has 100 euros left for it. 'If you are not younger than fourteen. '

The Italian police told Corriere del Mezzogiorno to be familiar with these exchanges. Even twelve girls already share nude pictures with unknown men.

'Often they do not realize what kind of actions can have for the consequences. It turns out that we hardly know what these children do, and they do not, just when they are online, 'said agent Daniele de Martino, head of the Campania province's Polizia Postale, detecting criminal offenses on the Internet.