Notable moments from the debate

Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton during the debate several times 'the devil'.

- When the debate on Syria said Trump was explicitly not to agree with his Vice Presidential Candidate Mike Pence. Trump was asked what he would do about the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo. Pence has indicated that provocations by Russia, which supports the Syrian regime, vigorously must be faced and that the US should carry out military attacks against the Syrian army.

' I disagree with my running mate, 'Trump said in his reply. ' At present Syria fighting with Islamic State. Russia is fighting against IS. ''

- At the end of the debate, the candidates were asked by a voter to say something positive about the other. After the demand by the public with laughter was answered, Clinton said Trump admire children. ' They are very skilled and dedicated and that says a lot I think about Donald. ''

Trump spoke in turn praised Clinton's perseverance. ' They will not stop, they do not give up. I respect that. She's a fighter. ''

- One of the questions came from a Muslim American woman who wanted to know how the candidates would fight Islamophobia. Clinton said to want to work together with Muslim organizations and understand how important it is that Muslims want to feel wanted. She emphasized that the US is not in a state of war with Islam, and suggest that terrorists plays into the hands.\n  \n  \n   advertisement

Trump said that Islamophobia is a terrible thing, but at the same time seemed to say that there is reason to. 'There is a problem. We can do politically correct, but there is a problem. We must ensure that Muslims reporting as they witness hatred. To solve a problem, you must name it. She (Hillary Clinton ed.) And Barack Obama are not prepared 'radical Islamic terror' to say. ''

- Trump Clinton said during the debate several times 'the devil'. He Clinton again blamed 'birtherism' the baseless theory that Barack Obama was not born in the US. The latter is contradicted by many media and fact checkers. Trump himself was for years one of the most prominent 'birthers' in the USA