No special Merkel summit on asylum policy

Chancellor Angela Merkel has denied that she is aiming for a special summit with several EU countries that are particularly affected by the refugee crisis.

The spokesman added that 'it speaks for itself that the German government is holding talks in this connection with several member states and the European Commission.

According to reports in the newspaper Bild, the Chancellor was engaged in such a short-term summit meeting with representatives from different EU member states. The meeting would be scheduled for the regular EU summit on 28 and 29 June. The CDU leader would like to discuss solutions for the refugee crisis with, among others, Greece, Italy and Austria. Sources within government circles from different EU countries would have said that to Bild. The newspaper mentioned a special summit.

The chancellor will be given the opportunity on Monday evening to raise the refugee problem when the new Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte comes to Berlin for his inaugural visit.

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