No active role in brain approach downloaders

Stichting Brein has no intention to play an active role in addressing individual Popcorn Time users.

'It's so that we educate beneficiaries about the barriers that exist in such an approach and what it all comes to looking , explains director Tim Kuik from opposite Entertainment Business. Quot; Brain is also in the preparation of such cases is not relevant; these parties hire their own IT experts and lawyers. '

According Kuik is the water at different beneficiaries all their lips. Quot; They want, as in Germany, to submit claims in illegally downloading users. And that will happen, 'he expects.

Popcorn Time is a website where movies and series can be downloaded illegally. Late last year it was announced that a group of Dutch producers and distributors together to get the right to establish the liability of the State for the loss suffered by the film industry by illegal downloading.