Neonazis benefit from extreme bitcoin growth

Members of extreme right-wing groups invest massively in crypto coins as bitcoin, because their regular bank accounts are frozen.

Political right-wing extremist leaders and experts in the field of extremist groups report that members of right-wing extremist groups sought a new way to earn money after the out of hand demonstrations in Charlottesville, the US. Since that violent protest action, the government has been carrying out checks on members' bank accounts and has blocked various accounts. That reports The Washington Post.

Investors who have already invested money in bitcoin in August have since seen their commitment grow substantially. Extreme figures can use this proceeds to subsidize new demonstrations and websites to express their extreme convictions.

Bitcoin is set up in such a way that authorities can not or hardly check the identity of the investors and can not figure out where their money comes from and where it is going. Online payment methods like GoDaddy and Paypal have blocked multiple extremists since the demonstrations in Charlottesville.

'The extreme right uses bitcoin in the same way as criminals who trade via the dark web,' says John Bambenek, expert in the field of cybersecurity against the American news site.