Mysterious thief returns portrait of dog in suit

A man who stole a unique painting from a London pub has regretted it.

The painting was brought back to the pub The Grafton Arms by a taxi driver. The thief- who is not clearly visible on the images- turns out to be unknown. He did leave a note.

'Sorry I went away with that weird man last. I think I was overcome by the heat and that I felt incredibly adventurous! I hope you take me back because it was just a flirt and it meant nothing to me. I've missed you. '

There are more portraits of dogs in the pub. 'They are so popular that people ask if they are for sale. But this was really the first time someone stole one, in front of customers and staff, 'an employee tells Daily Mail.

The taxi driver did not want to lose who had ordered him to return the portrait.

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