Mysterious marine animals washed ashore on popular beach

On a beach of the Thai island of Koh Lanta, tourists are surprised to see a mysterious sea creature crawling out of the water.

Holidaymaker Louis sent images of one of the invertebrates to Daily Star. You can see how the beast, of about 13 centimeters, is lying on the sand. Very slowly the little animal that is still alive is moving a bit.

'When I found him, I put him back in the water. But he quickly crawled out of the sea again and inhaled oxygen. So then I left him on the sand, there he was a little to crawl and breathe ', the tourist told the British news site.

'He looked strange. It also seemed like something was in him: something was moving. People thought it was a sea cucumber or a sea-leech... '

According to the news site local residents have announced that dozens of these mysterious animals have been washed ashore, but no one knows exactly what they are called.

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