Movers against cyber attacks

As a first step, ROC Mondriaan in The Hague began to explicitly teach their students how to program such malicious hackers out of doors.

Yesterday, the official kick-off of the so-called 'Safe Programming' for students trained in the ICT school was a system and network administrator, cyber security specialist or application developer.

'The courses were already there, but we are increasingly focusing on cybersecurity,' explains project leader Vincent Raphael. 'The base of applications should not be vulnerable. Now the development of programs focuses mainly on the effectiveness. Firewalls and virus scanners are fine, but the base must be good. 'Last year, the school entered into a pact with business and commerce to help SMEs to prevent and combat cybercrime. For a long time, it seemed like a subject for HBOs and universities. 'It was not. This is a growing market. There is a lot of need for boys and girls who can do the executive work that enter the field, 'says Raphael. He also mentions the ethical hackers who are looking for vulnerabilities in programs on behalf of companies. The growing market is also showing interest in the ICT school, where 400 students are now in attendance. Last year, there were 11 graduates, now 65. Industry, such as Siemens and Deloitte, is also very interested and intensive collaboration with the educational institution.

'We can never give a bail guarantee as a school, but we have a huge list of internships and many contacts with companies. Our goal is that our students are as qualified as possible so that they have a good chance of the job market. And that seems to be good. '

For education minister Saskia Bruines, the developments confirm that The Hague is leading Europe in digital security. 'Knowledge institutions, education, government and companies can find each other here. That cooperation pays. In addition to knowledge, it gives jobs. And this new education, 'according to The Hague educationalist Saskia Bruines. 'Just in a week when digital security has been tested worldwide, it's nice to start training in our city that contributes to safer digital traffic. '