Motorist packed with 770,000 euros in tank

On the highway at Gildehaus, just over the border at Oldenzaal, the German police arrested a motorist who was traveling from the Netherlands with 770,000 euros 'in his pocket'.

The 35-year-old man was directed to the side during a large-scale inspection, in which the Dutch customs and police also participated. He stated that he had 3000 euros in cash with him. When the policemen in the glove compartment found another 4550 euros, they decided to take the vehicle to a garage for extensive research. A total of 28 parcels with banknotes were popped from the petrol tank.

The massive police action, aimed at combating crime in the border region, also resulted in 25 drug offenses. A total of 3.2 kilos of marijuana was confiscated. Sixteen people received a police report due to, among other things, submitting a false driving license or tax fraud. Fifteen people are in pre-trial detention.