Mother (24) paralyzed after excessive use of laughing gas

A 24-year-old British who spent many years each weekend on about 15 balloons of nitrous oxide, had to pay for her addiction.

Walk? Does not go anymore. Use her hands? Can not work anymore. Playing with her son? Forget it. 'I can not even put on his shoes,' says Olivia Golding, who- remorse after sin- regrets her wild lifestyle.

For the past three years she inhaled an average of 15 'servings of laughing gas' every weekend, while son Parker stayed with his father, she tells The Mirror.

A month ago, after a wild weekend, Olivia noticed a strange stinging sensation in her back and neck, but she did not yet add the link with the excessive use of laughing gas. 'So I just continued to inhale nitrous oxide. '

Last week things went wrong: Olivia woke up and could not move. 'One day you walk outside with your child, the next day you can no longer move. In the hospital they asked if I had inhaled a lot. Well, certainly. '

Afterwards she realizes that the signs were there: 'In the past month I got more and more numbness in my body. Until I could not dress myself last week. 'The paralyzed Olivia had to ask her son Parker to call the emergency services.

Laughing gas causes a vitamin B12 deficiency in the long run and therefore the 'mantle' around the nerves can be affected. Olivia is now treated with vitamin B12 and has a chance of recovery. In the meantime she has already taken some steps, but full recovery will- if possible- take a long time.

Her message now: stop inhaling nitrous oxide. 'It is not worth it. 'And certainly not to laugh.