More DDoS attacks by IoT devices

DDoS attacks, in which servers are flooded with requests for information and thus fall out, probably only take globally but increasing in number and size.

The report 'State of the Internet' Akamai writes that the IoT devices are increasingly the source of large-scale attacks. More and more people buy such devices, which do not always excel in safety, making it increasingly easier to create a large botnet malicious software and launch an attack. Especially software and technology companies have been victims of these cyber attacks. Also, media companies and organizations active in entertainment are popular among hackers.

Not only conducted attacks through botnets were. Also, cyber attacks were carried out in other ways, for example by changing SQL databases. Such attacks by so-called 'web applications' mainly originate in the United States (28 percent of the total), but the Netherlands is in second place, where 17 percent of the attacks had origin.