Missed chances Jihadi John is not alive picked up

After Prime Minister Cameron also has British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn responded to the probable death of Mohammed Emwazi (27), alias Jihadi John.

The leader of the Labour Party calls it a missed opportunity that the most famous executioner of the Islamic State is not living arrested. " Emwazi is held accountable for its callous and brutal crimes," said Corbyn. " But it would be for all of us have been much better if he could appear before the court. "

Corbyn receives approval from Riga Henning, brother of the beheaded by Jihadi John Alan Henning. "I would have preferred that he had tried. "

Anjem Choudary, a hate preacher in Britain suspected of recruiting for IS and dedicated to the introduction of sharia law on the other side of the North Sea, is laconic to the reports Emwazi 's death. " If it is true, it is a minor event," said the man who extolled the 9/11 terrorists. " It's war out there! Then kill people, and they are not having sex with each other. "

US Secretary of State Kerry responded this morning as one of the first on the news that a drone attack would have put an end to the life of Jihadi John. "The days of the Islamic State are numbered. "