Minister of Happiness of India on the run because of murder

The police of India opened the hunt for Lal Singh Arya (53), the first Minister of Happiness of the country.

Jatav (Congress party) was shot dead in April 2009 when he campaigned for another candidate. The arrest warrant for Arya was issued by a court this week. He previously denied all allegations.

Arya is the head of the Department of Happiness, set up by the government. He must ensure that 'the happiness and tolerance of the citizens' is improved and that 'everyone walks around with a smile'. This, among other things, by giving yoga and meditation classes.

He must appear on December 19, but is currently 'looking'. The police have not yet been able to trace him after a search. 'The police are still looking for him. We continue to trust that we have found him before the 19th ', says 'Super Supervisor' Prashant Khare against AFP.