Minister: difficult to hedge websites

Minister Ard van der Steur (Security and Justice) thinks that it becomes difficult for all domain names on the Internet that have ever been used to hedge the police.

A hacker with good intentions registered a number of these website names and received in this way e-mails that had been sent to those domains. He was among more arrest warrants and the security of the Christmas market in Dordrecht face. The hacker carried the information to radio station BNR, who reported on Thursday.

Van der Steur emphasized that the problem has been known for some time and that earlier action has been taken. ' This played in 2015. When his 3500 re domain names registered by the police. But it is clear that it is not yet fully resolved, '' said the minister.

But whether it is possible for each domain that has ever been used to keep out foreign hands Van der Steur not know. ' I think it is quite difficult to all domain names that have ever been used by the national police and the 26 corps this all came to cover. '' The minister is certainly glad that there are people who denounce these things, or who ' well as ethical hacker or not. ''