Millionaire Tip for divorced supermodel

A former model for the famous Pirelli calendar, Christina Estrada got the cut on her nose to the court in the separation of her ex-husband, the Saudi businessman and billonaire Sheikh Walid Juffali.

The court dismissed its maintenance requirement of 196 million pounds- the Brexit 254 million, now 229- off as excessive. The court found a sum of 75 million pounds- 87 million- more than adequate for Estrada to continue her former lifestyle.

Estrada had interpreted the court to require the requested millions to retain and maintain two luxury villas, five cars and its annual clothing purchases, a 'reasonable demand' said the former model.
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The annual clothing budget Estrada believed necessary to have amounted to 1.17 million euros per year for clothing purchases, about 45 000 per year for fur coats, more than a ton of haute couture dresses and 25 grand a year for shoes.

Estrada was married for 12 years with the Saudi until it ran off with another woman. Despite the fact that the English courts Estrada sailed with (millionaires) tip it never happened in England that a judge assigned such a high alimantatie.