Million claim for nasi syndrome

A 62-year-old woman claims a million dollars from a Chinese restaurant because she was sick of nasi from a hot tub.

Germaine Mobley visited the King Asian Buffet in the American Waxahachie and quickly became ill. Eventually she even ended up with respiratory problems in the intensive care unit of a hospital, reports Dallas News.

The Texan who lay in a hospital bed for eight days now has a lawyer who now speaks in and goes to court of the 'fried rice syndrome'. She would be infected with the 'bacillus cereus', a bacterium in not well-kept pasta and rice that could cause a considerable food poisoning. Mobley demands 850,000 euros.

'The nasi syndrome sounds like a joke, but it certainly is not,' says Mobley's lawyer.

The restaurant itself says in a response that they are not responsible for the contamination.

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