Medal for killing drug dealer

In his fierce battle against drug crime, the newly elected Philippine President Rodrigo Duerte with a new, remarkable strategy.

Duerte Philippines warned Saturday for organized drug crime in his country, he wants to wipe out the hard way. The president asked during a speech for help: 'Feel free to call the police, or do it yourself if you have a weapon. My support you have, 'Duerte said last weekend his subjects via the television. 'Kill him and you get a medal. '

The 71-year-old Duterte is renowned for its coarse language and hard-liners. Especially drug criminals Duerte be an eyesore. 'Anyone who trades in drugs, you bastards, I really will murder you,' he said earlier in one of his election speeches. 'I have no patience. There is no middle ground. If you murder me, or I'll kill you, idiots. '
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The controversial politician has promised,, to act as dictator 'against everything that is wrong. He did all in Davao City, where he was mayor for twenty years. There are suspected criminals removed by death squads out of the way under Dutertes zero tolerance with regard to crime.

The boute language and death squads in Davao Duterte have nicknamed the Chastiser Duterte and Harry (the movie character Dirty Harry) concerned.