Mayor Borsele: Doel nuclear plant safe

According to the Mayor of Borsele, Jaap Gelok, the nuclear power plant in the Belgian goal is secure.

' From the information I have received so far, I'm not going to say that the plant should close. I can not say, 'said Gelok Thursday in the NOS Radio 1 News. The Dutch government has just very concerned about the safety of the Belgian power plants and Minister Melanie Schultz (Infrastructure and Environment) Belgium asked them to close temporarily.

Gelok says he has the same reports as Schultz. ' As far as I can judge the plants are safe. 100 percent safety does not exist in life. '

According Gelok the debate on nuclear power plants in the southern neighbors never been so fierce in the Netherlands. ' It is mainly about feelings and sentiment. I try to stay away as much as possible. '