May: new referendum is betrayal democracy

The British Prime Minister Theresa May does not want to know anything about a new referendum on the Brexit.

In the Sunday Telegraph she writes Sunday that she will not 'give in' to the louder calls for a new referendum. 'In many cases they trusted for the first time in decades that their voice would count; that after years of being ignored by politicians their voice would be heard, 'May writes about the millions of people who voted for a brexit in 2016. 'To question the question would be a great betrayal of our democracy- and a betrayal of that trust. '

The People's Vote campaign group is campaigning for a plebiscite to be held when there is a final agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom on the Brexit. May writes in the same document that the government takes no agreement at all. But she is also certain that Britain is leaving the EU with a 'good deal. '