Mattis does not let army-dreamers out of the US

The US Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis said Thursday that soldiers who illegally entered the US as a child and grew up there, will not be deported when their residence permit expires.

'We are always right behind our people,' says Mattis. He provided the approximately eight hundred soldiers who count the target group with certainty about their future status. The minister added that only in the case of a 'serious' crime another decision can be taken or if a federal judge orders deportation.

The Pentagon reporters also wanted Mattis to know where the big military parade, which President Donald Trump dreams, should be held. 'I understand that he wants it in Washington D. C.- but that's a good question. I will see what options we can think of. '

Mattis said he had not had any contact with the local government because the government is not yet out. The parade to put American troops in the spotlight could also be in a different location. The Washington City Council thought it was ridiculous to let the tanks over Pennsylvania Avenue, between the Capitol and the White House, roll.

Trump came up with the idea for that feast, after he had seen an impressive example in 'quatorze juillet' last year in Paris. Critics immediately canceled the plan. They believe that the millions that cost the spectacle can be better spent on reducing the overload of army units.