Marvel legend Stan Lee repossessed column from 1968

According to Stan Lee, a column about racism he wrote in 1968 is still up to date.

'Racism and xenophobia belong to the deadliest social diseases in today's world,' Stan wrote 49 years ago in a Marvel edition. 'But unlike super scurries in costumes, these things can not be stopped by a jet weapon or a blow to the canister. The only way to destroy them is to expose them. They set aside the crazy evil that they are. '

The comic veteran reacts with his tweet to the events in Charlottesville last weekend, where a demonstration of white racists resulted in violence with a dead and multiple injured. 'We are not trying to say that it is unreasonable to disturb someone,' Stan wrote in 1968, 'But it is irrational and disturbed to attack a whole race, a whole country or a whole religion. We must once learn to judge people on their merits, we must fill our hearts with tolerance. '

The elder wrote in the image of his old work: 'This is the same as it did in 1968.'

'Racism and xenophobia belong to the deadliest social diseases in today's world,' Stan wrote 49 years ago in a Marvel edition. 'But unlike super scurries in costumes, these things can not be stopped by a jet weapon or a blow to the canister. The only way to destroy them is to expose them. They set aside the crazy evil that they are. '

The comic veteran reacts with his tweet to the events in Charlottesville last weekend, where a demonstration of white racists resulted in violence with a dead and multiple injured. 'We are not trying to say that it is unreasonable to disturb someone,' Stan wrote in 1968, 'But it is irrational and disturbed to attack a whole race, a whole country or a whole religion. We must once learn to judge people on their merits, we must fill our hearts with tolerance. '

The elder wrote in the image of his old work: 'This is the same as it did in 1968.'