Married Japanese can not keep its own name

Japanese women can marry if they do not keep their own name, they must adopt their husbands.

The case revolved around an indictment was brought by five women. They wanted to keep their own name but were not under a law dating from the nineteenth century. According to the women, the law is a violation of their constitutional right to equal treatment. The Supreme Court was not agree.,null, The court finds it unfortunately natural that all members of a family bearing the same name ", according to the lawyer of the women.A majority of the Japanese people, especially young people, find the law no longer of this time and wants to be changed. Some married couples find it so important to both keep their own name, they are after the arrival of children have a "divorce papers" for about: official move them apart, but in practice they remain together. The kids love than the father's name.Incidentally, a man may also adopt his wife's name, such as its name by lack of male namesakes in danger of dying out. But that rarely happens.