Marine Le Pen re-elected as party leader

Marine Le Pen has been re-elected as party leader of the French right-wing populist Front National.

The 49-year-old starts a third term as leader of the party. In 2011 she succeeded her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Later on Sunday, Marine Le Pen announces which new name she wants to give to the party. She expects the party with a different name to be seen as a potential government party. The party leader lost the presidential election of Emmanuel Macron last year.

By giving the Front National a new name and adjusting the party course, Marine Le Pen hopes to give its party a more moderate appearance, even though she is a declared opponent of immigration and she has a nationalist agenda. Her father, co-founder of the party, has several convictions to his name for discriminatory and anti-Semitic remarks. His membership of the party has now been withdrawn.