Man shot during Facebook Live by friends in head

A man in Houston is reportedly shot by his own friends through his head.

Devyn Holmes (26) is currently fighting for his life at the Ben Taub Hospital, KHOU knows. In the clip you can see that a friend swings him with the weapon and that he tries to stop her.

A few seconds later, however, things go terribly wrong. The gun goes off and the man is reportedly hit in the head. The images that circulate on social media do not show the fatal shot. Well that he falls into each other, completely under the blood.

Cassandra Damper, the woman in the video who waved the gun, has been arrested. She reportedly wanted to wipe the gunpowder from the weapon and was therefore charged with manipulating the evidence.

In a questioning she said she did not know it was loaded. The other man in the car has not been charged.

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