Man gets hundreds of kidneys after visiting Disney World

Everything, really everything he had tried.

When a casual passerby saw Leibowitz's heart cry and phone number, he posted a message on Facebook. The 60-year-old patient simply wandered through the park that day. His kidneys only function for 5 percent, but no one had a kidney; he was at his wit's end.

That the passerby Facebook message would go viral, he could not have imagined. Nine hundred people shared the call. Leibowitz got 'hundreds of calls' from people who offered a kidney within a week, he tells American media. Four people actually flew to New York to donate the kidney.

Three of them had no medical match. Fortunately, the fourth, Richie Sully, was allowed to give up his kidney by the doctors. Leibowitz is 'more than grateful'. He takes his family again to Disney World to celebrate happiness.