Man dodges traffic in nepambulance

A 31-year-old British man was the endless traffic jams around Newcastle so fed up that he decided to build his car into a nepambulance.

The 31-year-old Shaun Scandle pimped his Renault Megane with sirens, flashing lights and blue and green stickers. Speaking an ambulance, he must have thought. Lang went well, but when he was in a traffic jam at the Tyne Tunnel in Newcastle again a way through the traffic jams, the purpose of tunnel security guards attacked the striking vehicle.

After seeing the surveillance was contacted the ambulance service, and Scandle fell through the basket. He gets a fine of 1,000 pounds sterling and nine penalty points on his driving license.
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The man appeared to run a company that provides assistance at events. However, his car seemed very much like the real British ambulances. 'The use of sirens and flashing lights is reserved for drivers who previously have had special training. By his actions, he lives at risk, 'said a police spokesman.