Man (81) with golden arm saved 2.4 million babies

The 81-year-old Australian, James Harrison, has donated blood for the very last time.

Harrison's blood contains the very rare Rh0 (D) immunoglobulin. These are antibodies to treat rhesus antagonism- a condition that occurs in pregnant women. The condition can lead to miscarriages and brain damage in babies.

Why the Australian blood contains the antibodies, the doctors do not know for sure. They suspect that a large blood transfusion has played a major role. Harrison had to have his lung removed at the age of 14 and received thirteen liters of blood from strangers.

At this he decided to give blood a few years later, in 1954. At that time, thousands of babies died every year from the condition. But that number reduced after doctors discovered the magical blood of Harrison. With the blood plasma they managed to develop the anti-D medicine.

With an injection of Anti-D the babies can get healthy in the world. And so the Australian with the nickname 'the man with the golden arm' saved some 2.4 million babies, including his own grandson. In sixty years the man donated blood 1173 times.

Harrison, who remarkably enough can not stand blood and therefore looks in every direction 'It's a sad day', has now really reached the maximum age. 'It is a sad day for me', he says to The Sydney Morning Herald.

He did not want to stop himself, but because of his health the blood bank decided that it would be better if he went 'retired'. On his last day he was accompanied by grateful mothers and their babies.

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