Majority Dutch EU referendum

A small majority of the Dutch would like to express himself like a referendum on the Dutch member of the European Union.

Should the referendum will then pick opponents of EU membership as a majority. The counter stabbing s with 48 percent of respondents from the A Today opinion panel. 45 percent for membership.

PVV voters are the biggest opponents of the EU, 94 percent is a nexit. 50PLUS voters follow with 63 percent and 58 percent of SP members. D66 voters are pro-European. 85 percent wants the Netherlands remains part of the EU. The party is closely followed by the Green 82 percent. Labour Party (68), CDA (68) and Christian Union (61) also are in favor of EU membership. The VVD supporters is divided with 47 percent for and 45 against membership.
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Of respondents say incidentally, 43 percent do not want a referendum.