Mail order Brides from Bollenstreek

They have a spot in the front of the route that they can no longer take away.

Corinne initially said that she would 'really not do' the wedding veil that Mariƫlle ordered. But now that she is in Windsor, she actually thinks it is appropriate. Like the orange boa. 'We have already been photographed a hundred thousand times. I think we are more popular than Harry and Meghan. '

They have baptized themselves into Dutch mail order brides, but do not seem to realize that they are too late at this point on the route. As soon as Harry discovers them, he is already connected to his Meghan. 'If he sees us, he will still change his mind', laughs Ria.

They follow the news closely. Very unfortunate that the father of Meghan can not be there. But it is nice that Charles accompanies Meghan to the altar, says Marielle. 'Yes, Meghan asked, I have read,' says Ria. Jolanda is skeptical. 'Do you believe it yourself? No if it had been up to me she would have walked nicely with her mother. Or on her own. '

Meanwhile, they enjoy Windsor. It is more atmospheric than London, says Marielle. Windsor is really a cozy place. This morning they were already having coffee and cake at seven o'clock. The pastry was small, Jolanda apologizes.

The mail order brides arrived early Friday in London and used the day to see London. Tomorrow they will go to Kensington Palace and they do not want to miss the exhibition with dresses from Diana. A perfect weekend to celebrate their friendship. Including the weather. The sun is just over the trees. It can hardly be more beautiful.

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