Lottery Fever by record jackpots

Just as rich as hitzanger Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees? Or have the same income as an entire archipelago in the Pacific? It would be this Saturday just two people can happen.

         In both Britain and the United States, the lottery fever to a boiling point. Millions of adventurers sit tonight for the tube, lottery ticket firmly in the fists. If the balls fall favorable, then invert the UK National Lottery and the American Powerball jackpots of record highs.
Any sums which the main prizes of the Dutch charity lotteries degrade to a tip: 60 million pounds (80 million euros) to the British, and the Americans an astronomical $ 800 million (730 million euros). This initial amount is enough to launch the lucky winner in the rich list of the Sunday Times. Besides Gibb so that 35th state.
The US jackpot in size equal to the size of the overall economy of Samoa, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean with about 200 000 inhabitants.
It makes the auctions sellers on both shores of the Atlantic today expect huge crowds. The National Lottery, the jackpot must fall and, if necessary, is divided among several winners, thinks that between six and seven-thirty tonight, when the sale closes, 400 auctions per second (!) Will go over the counter.
Just before the last draw on Wednesday, beat in the computer system of the British lottery stopping by, so busy it was. Twitterers reported on Friday that they had to stand for ten minutes in line for a ticket. Incentives: one in 45 million.


In the United States the opportunity to pocket the jackpot slightly lower than one in 292 million. But Americans seem to bother any of it. Leading up to the draft, tonight at eleven o'clock East Coast time, the record crowds will last Wednesday, when the jackpot 'only' 500 million dollar finally stopped, be surpassed.
Expect gas stations where nobody comes tanks, but where people have to stand far outside the door waiting in line for a ticket. Or supermarkets where, according to one manager in the Florida lottery crazy, '95 percent of the people come to buy a lottery ticket.' In the state of Kansas Wednesday were ten times more tickets sold than normal. Expected turnover today in a state like Virginia? Around 13 800 auctions per minute, or 230 per second in the last two hours.
And to think that the Powerball winner, if there is one already, no wins 800 million. Not only does the US tax authorities at least a quarter of the price, even the jackpot amount is a sum to be paid in installments over thirty years.
Will select the winner sure to collect the prize at once- and most winners do- then there remains about half over. Still enough to buy more than 2000 Maserati's. Of nearly 75 million cups of coffee at Starbucks. Or almost 800 000 trips to Disneyworld with the whole family. Or 26 private planes. Or...
         In both Britain and the United States, the lottery fever to a boiling point. Millions of adventurers sit tonight for the tube, lottery ticket firmly in the fists. If the balls fall favorable, then invert the UK National Lottery and the American Powerball jackpots of record highs.
Any sums which the main prizes of the Dutch charity lotteries degrade to a tip: 60 million pounds (80 million euros) to the British, and the Americans an astronomical $ 800 million (730 million euros). This initial amount is enough to launch the lucky winner in the rich list of the Sunday Times. Besides Gibb so that 35th state.
The US jackpot in size equal to the size of the overall economy of Samoa, an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean with about 200 000 inhabitants.
It makes the auctions sellers on both shores of the Atlantic today expect huge crowds. The National Lottery, the jackpot must fall and, if necessary, is divided among several winners, thinks that between six and seven-thirty tonight, when the sale closes, 400 auctions per second (!) Will go over the counter.
Just before the last draw on Wednesday, beat in the computer system of the British lottery stopping by, so busy it was. Twitterers reported on Friday that they had to stand for ten minutes in line for a ticket. Incentives: one in 45 million.


In the United States the opportunity to pocket the jackpot slightly lower than one in 292 million. But Americans seem to bother any of it. Leading up to the draft, tonight at eleven o'clock East Coast time, the record crowds will last Wednesday, when the jackpot 'only' 500 million dollar finally stopped, be surpassed.
Expect gas stations where nobody comes tanks, but where people have to stand far outside the door waiting in line for a ticket. Or supermarkets where, according to one manager in the Florida lottery crazy, '95 percent of the people come to buy a lottery ticket.' In the state of Kansas Wednesday were ten times more tickets sold than normal. Expected turnover today in a state like Virginia? Around 13 800 auctions per minute, or 230 per second in the last two hours.
And to think that the Powerball winner, if there is one already, no wins 800 million. Not only does the US tax authorities at least a quarter of the price, even the jackpot amount is a sum to be paid in installments over thirty years.
Will select the winner sure to collect the prize at once- and most winners do- then there remains about half over. Still enough to buy more than 2000 Maserati's. Of nearly 75 million cups of coffee at Starbucks. Or almost 800 000 trips to Disneyworld with the whole family. Or 26 private planes. Or...