Lobsters crackled into the boiling water: You taste the difference

A seafood restaurant in the American state of Maine has found a very remarkable way to give lobsters a 'soft' death.

The manager says he has found the way to put an end to animal suffering in American media. By putting the lobster in a closed container with a layer of water and then blowing in weed vapors, the animal would become calm and suffer less pain. The restaurant saw in an experiment that a lobster was very calm when he was put back in the aquarium. As a reward for his participation in the test, the animal was returned to the ocean.

The restaurant ensures that diners who eat a lobster that went high in the kitchen do not notice it. However, it would benefit the quality of the meat. 'You just taste the difference', according to the manager. Whoever nevertheless does not trust it can also order a lobster without 'weed anesthesia'.

It is not new that people who are concerned about the fate of animals take action. In Switzerland it was forbidden earlier this year to cook lobsters alive.