Little baby buried alive

Residents of an Indian village have saved the life of a baby of six hours old was buried alive.

The girl was found by a child playing in the Jajpur district in the Indian state of Odisha; one of the poorest areas of India. Baby foot sticking out of a pile of compost. When villagers freed the girl, spray strand proved too attached to her. Perfectly girl makes good. 'She is a healthy, mature baby of 2.5 kilos,' said the local doctor Fanindra Kumar Panigrahi.

The girl was taken to hospital where she is being cared for. The authorities are trying to trace the parents of the girl. 'It is clear that the mother wanted to kill the girl. Therefore they must be punished, 'allows police chief Jyoti Prakash Pawn know.

If the girl is released from the hospital, they will be transferred to an orphanage. Hospital staff have named the baby Dhariti, a Sanskrit word that means 'earth'.

Daughters are seen in India as an economic and social burden. Many Indians also go to great lengths to ensure that they have to spend a great girl. The leading medical journal The Lancet in 2011 figured that in the last thirty years twelve million girls were aborted.

The girl's rescue was filmed. Please note that some viewers may experience these images as shocking.