Less violence, but more pressure on Christians

Christians have to do with less 'visible' violence had last year than in 2015.

The list includes fifty countries where Christians are most persecuted for their faith. In the countries surveyed live 215 million Christians in 'strong to very strong degree' be prosecuted. According to Open Doors comes down to one in eleven of 2.48 billion Christians in the world.

Persecution means the organization ' consciously hostile treat Christians in word and deed. ' She makes a distinction between two forms: 'choke' or 'crush'. In the first form it comes to pressure from government, family or environment, secondly to violence, a form that is clearly visible.

The ranking shows that the 'visible' violence against Christians has decreased in 2016 compared to the previous year. Were murdered still 7106 Christians in 2015 for their faith, were in 2016 that 1207. Also, fewer churches were destroyed.

Open Doors sees a trend towards increasing 'religious nationalism' in Asia. For example, in India, where Hinduism and citizenship ' belong together '' and followers of other religions are discriminated against. If other countries see India prospers in a religious nationalist course, they will want that example to follow.

Radical Islamic ideology shooting according to Open Doors increasingly root in countries in the Sahel. Radical Muslims spread their ideology with financial support from Saudi Arabia. This is done according to the organization including in Somalia, Kenya, Niger and Burkina Faso.