leather footballs bumblebees

With sugar and a dose unlikely patience has managed a group of scientists from Queen Mary University in London to learn football swarm of bumblebees.

In 18 months, the researchers had 50 drones extent that they deposited a tiny yellow ball into a circle after which they were rewarded with some sugar.

The first group of 50 bumblebees then taught other bees from the nest to perform the same trick, but better. 'The drones solved the problem in a different way than we had taught them, indicating that they are not simply copied the behavior, but improved,' said lead researcher Olli J. Loukola.

Where did the first group of 50 drones and a half years of man instruction needed to execute the command, had the drones from the second group just 30 minutes to learn the trick of their own species. What may still be called surprising for an insect with a brain the size of a pinhead.