Larry cat stays at Downing Street

The nine-year-old Larry, better known as the mouser of Downing Street, remains at number ten live when the new British prime minister Theresa May and her husband Philip to take up residence in the home.

David Cameron and his family farewell will be emotional. The cat comes from the animal Battersea, has lived for five years in the residence. His official title is Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. The arrival of Larry was necessary because sometimes rats and mice image came during TV recordings in the home.

Larry is particularly popular with guests at Downing Street. When Barack Obama visited Cameron, Larry was an affectionate pat on the US president. However, the Mouser could not find with everyone last year the cat caused a ruckus when he was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused access to the residence. A paddle an agent under Larry's ass then offered a solution.
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Cameron himself got on well with the beast, but after Larry had damaged one of his suits, private quarters were now trespassing.