Kremlin also takes distance from criticism Trump

The Kremlin does not recognize the image that Germany is a prisoner of Russia, as US President Donald Trump claimed on Wednesday.

Trump thinks it is impossible for Germany to work closely with Russia on the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and is now protected by the US. Nearly 70 percent of the gas in Germany will have been controlled by Russia, according to the president. 'Germany is completely controlled by Russia. The country is a prisoner of Russia, 'he said.

The Kremlin took a stand against this claim on Thursday. Earlier, the German Chancellor had already countered the criticism.

Angela Merkel said that she herself experienced that a part of Germany was occupied by the Soviet Union. It is good that we can now pursue an 'independent policy' and take independent decisions, according to Merkel, who grew up in the former GDR (East Germany).

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