Koenders consults with Turkish Minister on contentious campaign

Minister Bert Koenders (Foreign Affairs) on Wednesday had a telephone conversation with his Turkish colleague Mevlüt Cavusoglu.

Cavusoglu wants our country to campaign for a constitutional amendment that President Tayyip Recep Erdogan gives more power. Turkey takes this next month a referendum. Cavusoglu wanted to speak Saturday in Rotterdam Hoogvliet, but that campaign meeting was canceled.

The Cabinet finds it undesirable that will carry the Turkish Minister campaign. That message was conveyed to Ankara. Cavusoglu does not believe that the Netherlands can stop can stop him or other Turkish politicians to campaign.

Monday said Cavusoglu Netherlands' hostage Wilders. 'Koenders spoke then of' verbal abuse 'by Turkish side. The PVV leader demonstrated Wednesday against the planned visit of Cavusoglu at the Turkish Embassy in The Hague.