Karl Lagerfeld threatens to surrender German nationality

Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld is not only eccentric in fashion, he also made a number of idiosyncratic statements about German politics in an interview with French magazine Le Point.

The reason for his comments is Angela Merkel's decision to allow more than one million migrants in Germany. 'Did she really have to promise at a time when France, a country profiling itself for its human rights, promised to take up thirty thousand? One must remember the history of Germany. I hate Merkel because she has forgotten that. '

Lagerfeld seems to refer to a previous controversial statement by him in November last year when he spoke about the increase in Muslims in Germany on French television. 'Even when there are decades in between, one can not kill millions of Jews and then later attract millions of their enemies. '

According to the fashion designer born in 1933, it is precisely because of her policy that in the meantime there are 'one hundred neo-Nazis in parliament'. 'The paradox is that it helps the evil in power, while she wants to repair it. 'He refers to the 92 members of the right-wing AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) AfD who came to parliament last September after elections.

'If this continues, I will cancel German citizenship', he threatens now. 'I do not want to be part of this club of neo-Nazis. 'Would he then opt for French citizenship? 'No, I do not like nations, I do not feel German, I am a cosmopolitan. '

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