Justice Plans cracked

The plans of the Ministry of Security and Justice for the next year, are strongly criticized by the Senate.

Each party from concerns about the so-called budget of the Ministry. From left to right is critical to the household budget, but that the coalition is so hard, is remarkable. VVD senator Duthler is unprecedented critical of the VVD government men on Security and Justice. She is happy with the change of Justice plans after pressure from the Lower House, but keeps "very concerned" about subjects like National Police, justice and the criminal justice system. "It seems that the law continues to silting," Duthler even states. The VVD senator has been working as a lawyer and recently was told she can appeal in a case until 2017. "This is not to explain to litigants. Actual access to justice than de facto absence. "National Police about the management of the National Police, the VVD also its concerns. And that makes again part of the criminal justice system. "The criminal justice system is breaking down and threatening to stagnate", says Duthler, who wants more money for the Public Prosecution in the spring. Her worries she calls "substantial". The Labour Party has also been so critical of their own government. The Social Democrats welcome the extra money and the commitments to the House on even more money in the spring if necessary. However, the Labour Party holds also worry about multiple topics. The extra money for justice to come from settlements of the Cabinet and Labour senator Beuving hesitant about coverage. "It should not be that, because the Minister needs the money as well, wealthy fraudsters get away with a settlement and do not have to answer to justice. "Although the Senate is extremely critical, the Senate does not seem to really go reject the budget. There was fear rather well with the ministers and therefore the financial plans were modified. Minister Van der Steur and his Secretary of State Dijkhoff but will still have to come up with a convincing story as the Senate continued debating today about their department.