Juncker demands action for shelter refugees

The Member States of the European Union are not doing what they promised to provide the refugee crisis.

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, the European leaders will on Thursday the EU summit in Brussels to ask to keep their promises. " On noble words be followed by concrete actions ". Also vice chairman Frans Timmermans luiddde the alarm. " The Member States have done three weeks ago, promises, now have to provide them ".

Member States have committed over the next two years, 160 000 refugees to redistribute across Europe. The first nineteen Eritreans left last week from Italy to Sweden next week would be one hundred refitted. According to sources, only Finland, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal registered for this. Wrong approach, meanwhile said the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Wednesday that the European Union tackles the refugee crisis all wrong. The union should find solutions for the long term rather than responding to each individual event.

The Prime Minister referred to the tragedy with the death of seven hundred refugees in April, who drowned when their boat sank off the Libyan coast. " From that first moment, Italy has advocated an approach which would have success in the future. The European Union must therefore change its policy. But instead is acted on the basis of individual cases ", said Renzi. The decision that refugees should apply for asylum in the country of arrival should have been changed long ago. Italy, Greece as well as a seemingly endless series of boat people to catch, to be affected by that scheme degraded. Experts nodigFrontex and EASO, the European organizations for border protection and asylum, need about one thousand experts, but allow Member States are " too little ", said Timmermans.

Netherlands incidentally has offered a number of experts for EASO. The European Commission has allocated € 500 million for the Syria-fund, 1.8 billion for the Africa fund and 500 million for the World Food Programme and the UN refugee agency. Member States should double this, but the commitments have so far been very limited, the committee said.