Johnson: Corbyn is a disaster for the country

The British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson mixed himself in the election campaign on Thursday and said that 'the electorate Labor Leader Jeremy Corbyn could not better underestimate and dispose of as an unhealthy Labor Foreman of the old stamp'.

According to Johnson, Labor is 'a danger to the economy and national security' and would be a 'disaster' if that party wins the elections at the expense of Prime Minister May Conservatives.

Johnson said this in a column that printed in The Sun on Thursday. Johnson made Corbyn a 'mugwump'. Freely translated is that a politician who does not feel like his backbone, but it's also a monster-like creature from Harry Potter's stories.

A spokesman from Labor responded to Johnson's words: 'Bone and shameful. Mr. Johnson has finally come out of his shelter, and he is pouring out this bitter nonsense about us. ''

The British will go to the polls box on Thursday, June 8 to choose a new Lagerhuis.