Jesse Klaver best kept Kamergotchi

Jesse Klaver is the best-kept Kamergotchi.

Players of the Kamergotchi app receive an egg that they need to shake open and in which one of the seventeen leading candidates is most important. They should give this food then, attention and knowledge. At current news the player again receives a message that politicians needed more attention.

The Kamergotchi had the last two weeks more than 750 000 players. The number of party leaders was balanced between the number of players. Sunday Lubach has compiled a poll based on care and attention given by the players to their pet.

The winner in this poll is Jesse Klaver; his party GroenLinks would get based on the results of the poll Kamergotchi 20 seats. The second batch of the Netherlands would be Geert Wilders' Freedom Party with 17 seats. Third place went to Alexander Pechtold of D66, also with 17 seats. The calculation was made an adjustment for cheaters players who unrealistically high numbers of points gained were blocked in the game.

Women led the way best for Jesse Klaver; men Geert Wilders topped the list. It is striking that young people under 18, the best looked after Wilders; on teenagers would grant the Freedom Party 48 seats based on the Kamergotchi poll. GroenLinks would be 33 seats and Mark Rutte managed by this target 30. So based on the Kamergotchi behavior of young people, there could be formed a cabinet of Wilders and Clover. 'Then you get a country in which all Moroccans should from the country in hybrid cars,' said correspondent 'Tex de Wit.

Incidentally Lubach stresses in the item about the sense and nonsense of the polls primarily to strategic voting is nonsensical. 'Vote with your heart, just the party which you think 'he has the best election,' said the presenter. He acts in the broadcast from the various news programs and talk shows that had promised himself not to focus on polls but last week did so again expanded. Lubach further emphasizes in his broadcast that he has taken a much larger sample with more than 750 000 participants than Gallup, which used three thousand participants are polls.

The game Kamergotchi otherwise remains active until March 12th. Which players have provided the best for their virtual party leader, is known next week.