Jeb Bush paid 2560 euros per vote

Jeb Bush gave all the presidential candidates the most money for his campaign in Iowa.

In retrospect, it appears that every vote given the Bush scion, 2560 euro cost. Which quantified the Huffington Post. Bush gave 12.9 million euros and was the absolute leader. Voting appear not for sale, because Americans had massively their noses at the Republican candidate. He got only 2.8 percent of the vote.

Trump kept on hand cut

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio fared better. The moral winners- respectively first and third among Republicans- come away with an average of a few hundred euros a voice. Bush gave a voice 18 times as much as Cruz, and 10 times as much as Rubio.

Remarkably scattered Donald Trump with no money in Iowa. The property magnate gave 'only' 3.5 million euros. That he was more economical than Cruz Rubio, Bush and Ben Carson.

Bush got all the money

Armer Jeb Bush will not be. He received the full amount of so-called Superpac programs. Those are political action committees that receive money from wealthy individuals, corporations and trade unions. Cruz Rubio received a portion of the money spent on such donations, while Trump almost paid for everything.