Japanese eat World Cup octopus

Octopus Rabiot, who knew how to predict the outcome of three World Cup matches in Japan, has been eaten.

Rabiot could no longer predict the elimination of Japan. The 51-year-old fisherman who took the octopus out of the sea at the Japanese Hokkaido weeks ago needed money. And so the octopus, like Japan in the eighth finals, was chopped up.

The fisherman hopes that he has caught a new predator octopus.

Rabiot, named after the French midfielder, predicted the World Cup results in a children's pool. For example, he 'thought' that Japan would win from Colombia, would play against Senegal and lose Poland. What all happened.

In 2010, octopus Paul predicted the results of all seven matches of the German team during the World Cup. He also knew how to predict the final of the Netherlands against Spain.

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