Iran condemns attack on ally Syria

Iran has sharply condemned the rocket attacks of Americans British and French on Syria.

Tehran says he is also against chemical weapons, but that theme should not be misused as an excuse for a military attack on a member of the UN, according to the Iranian Foreign Ministry.

The US, France and Great Britain have carried out rocket attacks on Syria during the night from Friday to Saturday. They argue that it is a retaliation of an attack with poison gas on civilians in Syria a week earlier. Russia and Syria state that this 'poison attack' was staged by opponents of Assad to provoke Western military actions.

Shiite Iran supports the government of President Assad. Assad who is not a Sunni is seen as a crucial ally in the region in the fight against, among others, Sunni extremists. Iran also hopes to increase the pressure on Israel via Syria. Last week Israel carried out rocket attacks on a Syrian base where Iranians are stationed. Iran also supports the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah movement, which plays a crucial role in the battle against Assad's enemies. On Saturday, the movement said that 'the American war against Syria, the region and against resistance movements' will fail.

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