Insufficient supervision of leasehold deal

There must be an independent complaints committee for tenants.

They hope that there will be more supervision in order to ensure the interests of many homeowners. The Amsteradmse Real Estate Former Sven Heinen is also extremely critical of the new plan.

The rear chamber deal that D66, VVD and SP recently clashed are extremely concerned with Amsterdam's financial experts. For example, supervisor Anne Gram, valuation expert Karel Scheepers, asset manager Daniel Widijanto and professor Philip Stork write a letter to the city council, warning the consequences of the new deal.

'From the point of view of governance, it is unacceptable that the municipality as a monopolist and stakeholder attempts to prescribe independent experts how to value leasehold land,' said the experts.\n  \n   \n    \n    \n   \n   \n   \n      \n   \n     Last Tuesday, a few thousand residents protested against the plans.\n    \n   \n     Photo: Amaury Miller

'This undermines the core of the private lease lease contract, namely the review by independent experts, and detracts from the protection that the farmer needs to be a weaker party. The municipality is then the butcher who accepts his own flesh, 'she writes.

In addition, they fear that there is insufficient supervision that can safeguard the interests of tenants. 'The city council lacks the expertise and is driven by party politics. Fundamental inequality in the computational model, such as non-compliance with international valuation standards and unjustified levers, is not recognized and obscured by party political discussions. Unfortunately, politics are stubbornly misunderstood about how the lease is currently determined in daily practice, namely re-taxation by independent experts and not by the municipality's land-pricing policy, 'they warn.

They advocate an independent complaints committee that can make binding statements to the municipality. 'Leaders deserve a good governance structure that protects them from fierce party politics and profit maximization. This is one of their primary necessities: the roof above their head. '

Yesterday, commotion arose among tenants after D66 councilor Dehlia Timman, in response to questions from the leasehold interest group SEBA, wrote the words 'under my guidance we had already pulled the emergency brake', twittered. In their own words, this is not an attack on group chairman Reinier van Dantzig.

'I'm happy with the deal that is there. That is not about it. It has been an important election theme, but it took a long time for a college proposal ', is the explanation she gives to the tweet. 'A lot of people read attacks and other things, but it was not intended. '

Over the last few weeks, the criticism of the backroom partition only increases. President Sven Heinen of the Amsterdam Brokerage Association also mentions the plan 'an unacceptable proposal for all the tenants', according to the broker's foreman.

'Politics should scratch well behind the ears, because the first proposal was defended by hand and tooth. Now, after big pressure from various angles, the 'so good proposal' is so far removed. It is completely unbelievable and testifies to backroom policy, 'says Heinen.