In 2030, a man on Mars

The United States put a man on Mars in the thirties of the 21st century.

That allows President Barack Obama in an opinion piece on the CNN website. In January resigning Obama is convinced that cooperation between government and industry will cause that can be put in about 15 years set foot on the red planet. 'We will build new residential areas. Astronauts will undertake long missions in space. '

The president of the United States argues that space ultimately make better life on earth. ' If we make our leadership even stronger in space this century than in the next, we will not only benefit from the associated progress in the areas of energy, health, agriculture and artificial intelligence. We will also get a better understanding of our environment and ourselves. ''

According to Obama during his reign a 'clear goal' formulated for the US space program. Send people to Mars and safely return to earth he calls 'the next chapter in the American space. 'The ambition is to stay on Mars eventually for a long time. '