Images abortion and attempts at self-mutilation may be on Facebook

It is allowed to display images of abortion on Facebook.

This shows, for example, it is not allowed to offend US President Donald Trump on the social network. There are also guidelines for revenge porn, cannibalism and animal abuse.

It also appears that images of animal abuse must not be removed. Only whole shocking cases will be removed. This does Facebook to create awareness. Abortions may also be shown, but only if no naked bodies can be seen.

SEE ALSO: Facebook removes pictures-born mother

By allowing the live stream of attempts of self-mutilation, people in need are not penalized, so Facebook. This could still be done.

With the unveiling, The Guardian wants to further the debate on Facebook's role in society. On the one hand, Facebook is forced to censor more material, on the other hand, Facebook claims that it must be true for freedom of speech.

SEE ALSO: Facebook removes iconic Vietnam photo

Facebook regularly retrieves content deletion, for example, by removing photos of police violence in the United States and historical photos of the Vietnam War. The documents show that the rules have been adapted to allow 'newsworthy exceptions'.