Identity perpetrators London known

The police in London identified the identity of the three terrorists who had stolen car and knife attacks in the center of the British capital on Saturday night.

See also: Seven deaths in terror in London

The attacks on the London Bridge and the nearby Borough Market entertainment area brought seven people alive and became dozens injured. The perpetrators were shot by the police.

The London police have taken charges on Sunday morning in homes in the east of the city. In addition, twelve arrests have been made. According to SkyNews, one of the attackers attended one of the addresses. The police confirmed Sunday that the attacks were due to Saturday night attacks. A special terrorist unit made the attacks in the Barking district.

See also: Seven deaths in terror in London

The attacks on the London Bridge and the nearby Borough Market entertainment area brought seven people alive and became dozens injured. The perpetrators were shot by the police.

The London police have taken charges on Sunday morning in homes in the east of the city. In addition, twelve arrests have been made. According to SkyNews, one of the attackers attended one of the addresses. The police confirmed Sunday that the attacks were due to Saturday night attacks. A special terrorist unit made the attacks in the Barking district.