Hypothesis: Sequence on sink submarine

Peter Madsen, the Danish owner and captain of a submarine on which the missing Swedish journalist Kim Wall accompanies, refused Monday to answer questions from the Danish police about the disappearance of women.

The police believe that the submarine has been deliberately sunk, according to the ANP. Madsen was detained on suspicion of murder or killing on Saturday. He denied these accusations.

Wall wrote a story about the submarine, paid by Madsen via crowdfunding. The last sign of journalist life is the moment witnesses saw her Thursday night in Copenhagen on board the submarine.

The 18-meter submarine, where eight people could compete, sank Friday at Copenhagen. Madsen, 46, said he had dropped the 30-year-old Swedish evening on a small island in Copenhagen's harbor area. He could escape himself by a powerboat.

Wall is still missing any track. According to his lawyer, Madsen is currently in custody.